Excalibur Shelters is proud to be the sole manufacturer and supplier of the SL-TAINER,
Our products serves many diverse industries and applications, of which we are dedicated to delivering quality products that truly make a difference to the users and the organisation.
Our focus is to develop solutions for industries that delivery superior results and long term financial benefits. We understand the importance of quality and services and for this reason we work closely with our clients to ensure we acknowledge and implement their requirements into their finished products.
"We are proud to be a part of a company that develops innovative solutions for the world" - Director

Disaster Relief
Shelter is one of the first and most vital needs for a community following disaster or political displacement. Beyond survival, key considerations is to provide protection from hot and cold climates, ensuring privacy, personal safety and security. In 2012 over 32.4 million people where displaced from their homes, due to disasters and political issues.
When a disaster strike time is a factor. Many organizations such as the Red Cross and United Nations have developed systematic disaster evaluation and response programs to address emergencies efficiently. Rapid deployment hospitals along with supplies are first priority in many life threatening cases.
The X-Tainer is transported to site with the necessary medical equipment and supplies to start helping those in need with immediate effect. The 20’ X-Tainer is transportable by rail, road, ocean or by air.
Military Protection
By integrating ballistic materials to the deployable walls, military personal have a safer environment to work within.
The convenience of deploying a large secure military shelter allows the camp to move with its troops, while providing the necessary amenities and equipment for the operation.
Two 40’ X-Tainer shelters together provide up to 900 sq/m of solid wall interior space. capable of housing 200 single beds for military personnel.
By configuring the deployable walls into a desired shapes. Camps can be established within creating a quarantined area with solid wall protection.
Ideal for riots and uncontrollable protests. The X-Tainer may be deployed in city streets to help stop riots from progressing.
Military Applications include: Barracks, Kitchens, Command Centres, Washrooms, Equipment storage, Vehicle Maintenance Facilities and Armouries.

The X-Tainer becomes a magnificant greenhouse application, by intergrating durable translucent materials onto the fold out wall frames.
Commercial greenhouse manufacturers claim to produce 362 kg of vegetables per year from their 379 sq/ft / 35 m2 greenhouse. This means a single (20’) 6 meter
X-Tainer is capable of producing 1148 kg of vegetables per year and a (40’) 12 meter X-Tainer is capable of producing 6112 kg of vegetables per year.
Education Facilities
The need for rural schools throughout the world is a growing concern. With technology advancing at such an alarming rate, it is important to educate youth on essential technological advancements to ensure they have a prosperous future.
The development of concrete schools is a timely task and requires careful planning. To substitute the time delay our products are quickly deployed and ready to facilitate the learners.
Fully equipt with electricity and water storage provisions. The mobile school may be equipt with computers and communication equipment within the walls of the structure, ensuring equipment is protected and not accessible by thieves.
It's time to educate the leaders of tomorrow.

Water Purification & Storage
The turn-key mobile water purification facility is deployed within an hour.
When the fold out wall sections are configuring into two large triangular tanks. The system is capable of holding contaminated or dirty water. While the other tank holds and supplies fresh drinking water to the rural communities. The container itself is shipped to site with all the neccessary purification equipment inside.
Solar Solutions
The portable solar station provides sufficient solar power to power a 4 bedroom house.
Estimated 15 kWh with optional sun tracking mechanics technology.
* Patented Turn-key solar station (Coming Soon)

Public Works & Construction
Construction companies around the world use containers for application such as: storage, on-site offices, kitchens, cafeterias and accommodation. Our products diversity and large interior spaces are perfect for the construction industry, espeically in remote locations.
The X-TAINER's fold-out walls may also be used to quarantine the construction area off from the public, while the container is still functional for applications that require smaller interior space, such as an on-site office, kitchen or tool storage.
Welcome to the ultimate outdoor events shelter on the market.
The solid wall structure reduces sound pollution, while enhances the interior sound quality. Equipt with monitors, surround sound, full functional bar or DJ box.
The X-Tainer provides many exciting opportunities to generate additional income from advertsing on the exterior walls.
The large solid walls provide a robust platform to facilitate quality print or electronic advertising boards. Ideal for product promotions and events.